Kona coffee is a delicious and coveted type of coffee bean, directly because of the environment that it is grown in. If you are not familiar with Kona coffee, then it is harvested in Hawaii, which is the only state in the US to produce coffee crops. For an optimum coffee harvest, it needs to be produced near the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Hawaii is the perfect place for a delicious coffee harvest because of the fertile volcanic soil, luscious rainfall, and humid climate. This is exactly why Kona coffee is so premium and in demand!
The history of Kona coffee can be traced back to 1825 when a few seedlings were brought from Brazil to Oahu by John Wilkinson. From that point, the missionary Rev. Samuel Ruggles brought a few small Kona coffee trees to West Hawaii to plant in his new home. These trees prospered in the humid climate, and they were the birth of the booming Hawaiian coffee industry as we know it today.
Kona is found in the western slopes of Mauna Loa, and it has ideal climate conditions for a premium coffee harvest. It is located 700 to 2500 feet above sea level, and the soil is rich and well drained, as well as full of volcanic nutrients. Hawaii is known for the gentle rains and mild breezes, which allow for comfortable temperatures for coffee growth. This type of temperate climate is perfect to protect the coffee trees from northeastern winds. It is also important to know that too much sun will weaken coffee trees so that they are not able to resist disease, and too little sun will prevent the trees from fully growing and maturing. This atmosphere in Kona provides the perfect combination of the two with the right balance of soil, shelter, weather, and elevation. It is also important to remember that coffee grown upon a mountain is even more ideal because it has a better cloud cover. When coffee trees are grown with shade, it will allow them to mature more slowly so that the flavors within the beans develop more deeply as a result.
When you sip a Kona cup of Joe, you will be astounded by the sweet and full taste of the brew with a mellow finish. Kona is a truly revered coffee brewed by coffee lovers all over the world. The coffee grown in Kona is in a smaller space of 2 by 20 miles, which allows for the exact growing conditions necessary for these delicious coffee beans. When you compare this harvest to other coffee crops all over the world, Kona produces a relatively small harvest, which directly increases the demand for this type of coffee beans.
Since these coffee beans are rare, it is difficult for them to be mass marketed. They are somewhat costly in the United States, and they are much higher priced than coffee produced by other third world countries. For this reason, Kona coffee is seen to be a high end and specialty coffee that is definitely worth the delicious treat!